Adopted by President’s Cabinet 6/28/16
Revisions adopted 7/26/16; 11/28/22


Contact Phone email/URL
Vice Chancellor for HR, for information regarding this policy    
Ron Stalnaker, Acting Chief Business Officer   rstalnakerFREEOMNIUPDATE
Danielle Calloway, Director of Human Resources ext. 2035 dcallowayFREEOMNIUPDATE
Kaydee Oglesby, Dual Appointment Coordinator ext. 2180 ktoglesbyFREEOMNIUPDATE

EGSC follows USG policy regarding Dual Appointments. See the HRAP Policy on Dual Appointments (PDF).

East Georgia State College Required Signatures

The following approval signatures will be required to execute a Dual Appointment Agreement for East Georgia State College.

    • Administrative Department Head
    • Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
    • Vice President for Business Affairs
    • President

Dual Appointment Payment/Invoicing

    1. Payment and Invoicing is initiated
      1. If Dual Appointee is receiving a one-time payment, the DAC is required to work with the RI Academic Affairs Head/ Administrative Department Head to complete the Verification of Work section of the Dual Appointment Agreement.
      2. If Dual Appointee has ongoing engagement, the DAC is required to work with the RI Academic Affairs Head/Administrative Department Head to complete the Verification of Work section of the Dual Appointment Agreement prior to the employee’s first scheduled pay date. Any payments after initial verification should follow the schedule outlined in the Dual Appointment Agreement Form.
    2. Payment to Employee:
      1. HI Payroll Office processes payment to Dual Appointee based on Dual Appointment Agreement Form.
        NOTE: Once services have been rendered, employee must be paid and such payment to employee should not be dependent on invoicing and receipt of payment between HI and RI.
    3. Invoicing RI:
      1. HI Dual Appointment Coordinator works with HI Accounting Office to initiate invoice to RI.
      2. HI Accounting Office sends invoice and copy of agreement / completion of work form to RI Accounting Office.
      3. RI Accounting Office issues check and sends to HI Accounting Office for payment.
      4. Both institutions reconcile and adjust accounting and budget as necessary. (See BPM Section 5.3.3).


The responsibilities each party has in connection with the Dual Appointment policy are:

Party Responsibility
Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Ensure compliance with policy.
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Ensure compliance with policy.
Vice President for Business Affairs Ensure compliance with policy.
Director of Human Resources Ensure compliance with policy.
Dual Appointment Coordinator Ensure compliance with policy.

Information Sharing

The Dual Appointment Coordinator (DAC) will coordinate collection of the following information from the Home Institution (HI) and will share the information internally with the applicable Offices. The DAC will work collaboratively with internal Offices to submit credentialing and other requested information to the Requesting Institution (RI).

Documentation Offices
Executed Dual Appointment Agreement
    • Academic Affairs
    • Applicable Academic Affairs Head or Department Head
    • Business Affairs
    • Human Resources
Credentialing SACS/COC
    • Academic Affairs
    • Applicable Academic Affairs Head or Department Head
    • Business Affairs
    • Human Resources
FMLA Utilization
    • Human Resources
    • Human Resources